Our History
Who we are & what we do
Since 1983, The Louisiana Dairy Industry Promotion Board has worked with dairy producers and others in the industry to promote Louisiana dairy products as a healthy, everyday staple for Louisiana consumers. Through promotion, educational outreach programs and advertising, we help consumers find practical ways to incorporate dairy into their diets.
The Legislature declared local dairy a paramount agricultural industry affecting the health and well-being of citizens and established our Board within the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry by Louisiana Legislative Act in 1983.

Mike Strain Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry serves as the ex-officio member and appoints eight dairy farmers from industry nominations. The Board is tasked with promoting Louisiana dairy to local consumers and may levy an assessment on all milk solids, milk fats, or fluid milk components sold. The assessment is paid by each dairy producer and used to develop promotional and educational programs and implement advertising to increase the understanding and consumption of dairy.
In 2019, the Louisiana Dairy Industry Promotion Board partnered with DairyMAX, a non-profit Dairy Council representing more than 900 dairy farm families across eight states, to assist in the Board’s dairy promotion efforts in Louisiana.